mercredi 30 décembre 2009


(A Claudia)

J` étais à l` église hier
Seule, toute seule
Non pour prier, mais pour affirmer
J`affairmais ma foi en Dieu
Cette croyance inébranlable et incontournable
Dieu, tu es savoir; tu es pouvoir
Tu es tout.

Même en pleine crise
Grâce à ta forte presence je suis serein et fier
Sachant bien que tu es là pour soigner
Je ne craigns ni le Procureur, ni le feu
Ma seule bête noire c`est l`impôt libératoire
Cette machine infernale en dents de scie
Pour survivre je sais que je dois tout t`avouer.

Copyright 2009

2 commentaires:

  1. as a writer you know how to keep your reader in suspense being funny at the same time in this poem making him/her relax reading you and that is great.i just would like to understand the poem more in term of meaning and why it is addressed to Claudia? anyway i wish you a good luck and wish your inspiration shall remain with you.

  2. Thanks. I simply asked Claudia to give me a short phrase to do a poem on and for her. She gave me the opening line and I used it to build the poem.

    I can do the same thing for you if you give me a phrase.

