lundi 28 décembre 2009


By Tikum Mbah Azonga

I won't stand here and watch this
I refuse to be a party to it
I won't be an eye witness to man's inhumanity to man
Stand by while God's world spins on its axis
And while robust women with enough breast
Push sopping and rotten bits of bread without butter
Into the numb mouths of babies left for too long
Far too long out in the rain and cold?

I' m out of it even if you take me for a novice
Why should I - why on earth should I sit
Then get up and curse the tree as if I wasn’t human?
What about the man with axes?
One must decide whether one's on the trough or the crest
Since I’ve been my own hunter
Rather than maim, I’ll prolong
My greatest wish is to return to the fold.

copyright 2009

2 commentaires:

  1. Just from the title of the poem you can easily understand what is the subject matter of the poem.That good through this you can achieve the aim of rebelling with a cause.
    Atenchong Micheal
