dimanche 20 décembre 2009


(For Melvis and Nadine)

By Tikum Mbah Azonga

Take his number
But don't go for the plunder
Our choice is ideal enough already
So don't make it crack up
If he refuses to give you the number
Tell him you'll deport him to Law
If he gives you the number
Tell him he'll have a white horse for Christmas.

That boy's a joker
I know that because I'm a rambler
All he wants is to make us his bevvy
But I bet you he'll flop
He's nothing less than an armed robber
The day he gets into my claw
I'll simply go out of my way and clubber
To avoid me, he must start offering holy mass.

copyright 2009

4 commentaires:

  1. this love poem is a very didactic poem because it plays a great role in conscientizing girls in our society today.I wish many could get to read this poeme and get the message which it passes across.

  2. looking at the sub title in braket it is written (for .....qnd......).instead of(for .....and.....). If your titles are well edited it will inspire more readers

  3. looking at the sub title in braket it is written (for .....qnd......).instead of(for .....and.....). If your titles are well edited it will inspire more readers

  4. Thanks, Micheal. I have corrected the sub title.

    Melvis and Nadine are two students whom I passed by and overheard in the lobby of the Faculty of Social and Management Sciences (FSMS) at the University of Buea some months ago.

    I heard one of them say to the other, "Take his number" and I told them I would do a poem for them beginning with that phrase.I had no idea who they were referring to, neither did I pick up the rest of their conversation. We were all busy taking off in different directions.Now that the poem has been written, I will let them view it. I have their contact details.

