samedi 9 janvier 2010


(For you Sir, Mr. Sylverius Mbuye, with love, for being that unsurpassed teacher of ours at Sacred Heart College, Mankon, where history and geography were you and you were history and geography)

By Tikum Mbah Azonga

Have you ever wondered about Monsoon rains
And the deluge they bring
Or the Tundra region
With its dwarf vegetation and strong wind?
Have you ever contemplated the beauty
The exquisite beauty of the Adamawa rock
Or the Stalactites and Stalagmites of the coast?
Have you ever wondered why the earth's crust
Just like the endless aquatic kingdom
Is so rich, so diversified and so full?

If you have, then thank geography teachers and their reigns
For they are like the rainbow around God's ring
That's why their works are everywhere legion
Geography allows you to discover and create but you don't rescind
And nature's geographers do it faithfully as if it was a duty
They study, map out, chart, draw, keep statistics and clock
When it's a job well done they give a toast
They know volcanoes, the equator, ocean currents, ecology and the crust
They master the flora and fauna; in short the plant and animal kingdom
At the end of the day, they contemplate it all from the stool.

copyright 2010

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