mardi 5 janvier 2010


Par Tikum Mbah Azonga

Ma coupe est pleine
Mais ma tête est vide
Si seulement j`étais David
Je m`en sortirais sans peine.

Copyright 2010

6 commentaires:

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  3. Sir i have discovered that you are a very bilingual man pls tell me your secret because my dream is also to become a real bilingual girl

  4. i read the work on global education in Cameroon and what drew my attention was the line where you quoted the report of the United Nations team in Cameroon which says that girls do no have the same access to schooling as boys.I really think it is not correct although things have changed such that girls have the highest schooling population.this is very clear as we see that in classrooms girls always dominate.You can even check with the JMC students.I really enjoy this work of yours

  5. Hi GaelleThanks.


    The point you have made is valid.
    But remember that additionally, it is girls that are forced into early motherhood, premature marriages, and simply made to stay at home because some parents believe (wrongly) that it`s pointless educating the girl child.

  6. Hi Gaelle,

    Sorry the first part of my response slipped through the net before I could realize it.

    Thanks for your comments. Sorry I mistakenly deleted your comments. See if you can resend them.


    I get your point. But remember that statistically, the gender ratios at JMC are not a representative sample of the population.

    Remember that it`s girls, not boys who are forced into early marriages and premature sex and motherhood.

    Thanks for making the debate so lively!


    The point is that my life has all along been steeped in language and languages. Perhaps I used language proficiency as a cover up for my weakness in Maths.

