vendredi 15 janvier 2010

NEWS FROM CAMEROON No 003 15/01/2010

By Tikum Mbah Azonga


European Union boosts road project

The new Head of the European Union in Cameroon, Raul Mateus, has reaffirmed the Union’s resolve to continue to support Cameroon’s efforts in building its road infrastructure.

Speaking recently after meeting with Prime Minister Philemon Yang, the diplomat who has been in Cameroon for less than two months since he formally took over the running of the Yaounde Diplomatic Mission, told reporters that the EU is intent on boosting the disenfranchisement of Cameroon through continuous improvement of its road network. Last year, the EU opened up the Garoua-Figuil road in the North Region, followed by that of Muea-Kumba in the South West Region.

(Cameroon Tribune, 23/12/2009)



Bamenda to get new school

Work is soon to start on the construction of a new primary school in Bamenda. The school which is being offered by First Lady Chantal Biya is part of the scheme the Chantal Biya Foundation runs for empowerment of the education sector in the country. The institution will be located in Ntenifor, Bamendankwe in Bamenda I Sub Division and will be built early enough so that it opens its doors in September 2010.

Taking off complete with all the six classes of the primary school, the school will be equipped with a Headmaster’s Office, a secretariat, a modern toilet, a multimedia centre with computers, and a playground including a football pitch, a handball pitch and a basketball pitch.

(Cameroon Tribune, 29/12/2009)


Limbe deep seaport shapes up

Feasibility studies on the Limbe Deep Seaport have been formally handed over to the government of Cameroon. The document was submitted to Transport Secretary of State Mefiro Oumarou recently by the Chairman of the Limbe Port Development Authority, Korean Entrepreneur Yeon Seob. The project which will be situated in Ngeme village in the Limbe locality is expected to cost some 426bn CFA when finished.

Limbe II Mayor Molindo Duncan told the Secretary of State that he hoped the Deep Seaport would actually be built, unlike the Limbe Cement Factory which was promised the people but never given.

(Cameroon Tribune, 23/12/2009)


Metta people stand up as one man

Metta sons and daughters nationwide have vowed to awaken the Metta Cultural and Development Association, and through it, give the Metta community a new lease of life. This would be done, regardless of problems face, with some of the first projects to be completed being the construction of a modern mortuary in Mbengwi, with the sum of 5 million FCFA already raised for that purpose. Also on the agenda is the introduction of a uniform for members of the Metta Cultural and Development Association (MECUDA).

The pronouncements were made during the 2009 Annual General Assembly of MECUDA held recently at the palace of Fon Njokem in Mbengwi.However, the President General of MECUDA, Louis Teboh, warned that these and other projects would not be realized unless Metta people sink their differences and work for the common good of the community.

The USA Branch was singled out for the exemplary step it took by providing 45 benches to GSS Bome and GTC Zang Tabi. That branch and the UK branch were both praised for making a valuable contribution towards the payment of salaries to staff at the Mbengwi District Hospital.

(Cameroon Tribune, 23/12.2009)


Kumba I unveils 2010 plan

Mayor Prince Ekale Mukete has promised the people of his municipality interesting times in the 2010 financial year. Projects earmarked for the year, according to the mayor include the setting up of a micro finance scheme and a youth programme, the later being specifically intended to empower young people of the Council area. Other measures envisaged include recruitment in the areas of the municipal police, hygiene and sanitation, archives and documentation, public relations and urban development. Also planned are the purchase of more vehicles for the council, the building of a food market and a Commercial Centre in Kake.

This would be funded by a budget of 797bn CFA which councilors have voted for the financial year.

(Cameroon Tribune, 23/12.2009)



Buea Council increases annual budget.

Buea Council is working on a budget of 600m this new fiscal year of 2010. That figure marks an increase over last year’s budget. The Council’s Mayor, Mbella Moki Charles Sees the rise as a necessary means of successfully facing the challenges of 2010.

The budget is targeting needy areas such as HIV AIDS, education, housing as well as pursuing ongoing work which includes the installation and protection of street lights, construction of the Buea market, and later, construction of a modern Town Hall for the Council.

(Cameroon Tribune, 23/12.2009)

copyright 2010

2 commentaires:

  1. with the numerous plans of development in the country, i am sure that this year's going to be a great one!!new road, school, seaport...this is great! AYUKETAH ELEANOR.

  2. the mayor of Buea is planning on projects for this year.Is it normal that one of their greatest worries which is water is not been included because i think that is the greatest problem Buea is facing right now
