mercredi 18 août 2010


(Tribute to the city of Buea, dedicated to Dr. EML Endeley, the first Prime Minister of Buea)
By Tikum Mbah Azonga

I`m right here in Buea
This historic town with different faces
What joy it is to thread the paths
Trodden by those great figures
Endeley, Foncha, Jua, Muna, Nzo Ekhangaki, Effiom
Kale, Mbile, Galega, Abumbi,Monju,Kangsen, Motombi-Woleta.

Buea, although today raped and deprived, I love you like Muea
Where my father grew up with his uncle Pa Clement Achu
Owner of the famous Country House Muea as aces
Epasa moto gave them warm water for baths
Today, I too like your other kids breathe air with no fractures
And I freely mingle with your beautiful daughters
From now on for me, all roads on earth lead to Buea.

Copyright 2010

1 commentaire:

  1. Pls am looking for one Pa clement Achu family, My name is Roland and mother name Marry who happen to be Pa clement Achu daughter, i left them years ago to Nigeria and now in Malaysia. Pls if you are related to them do write me and on how to get in contact with any of the family member.
