lundi 6 septembre 2010


By Tikum Mbah Azonga

(For the Rev Achowah Umeni)

O King of the entire universe
Let your love flow down in reverse
Thou art the most nigh
Thou who knowest our remotest thoughts
Forgive us our torts
Thou art our strength
For to thee we pay no rent
So stand behind us
So that on D-Day we can come without fuss.

Copyright 2010


This poem, dedicated to my friend and brother, the Rev Achowah Umeni, currently Communication Secretary of the Presbyterian Church in Cameroon (PCC), can be found in the collection entitled TOMATOES FOR FOUR, published by FAMBATA in Bamenda in 2009, thanks to a grant from the Cameroonian Miniustry of Culture.Author: Tikum Mbah Azonga

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