samedi 30 octobre 2010


By Tikum Mbah Azonga

UNIVERSITY: University of Buea
FACULTY: Faculty of Social and Management Sciences
DEPARTMENT: Department of Journalism and Mass Communication
SUPERVISOR: Tikum Mbah Azonga
YEAR OF WORK: 2009-2010


1.Jacob Yonga Nkol

"The Impact of the Mass Media on Informal Education in the South West Region of Cameroon".

2. Kiven Brenda Nsodzefe

"Television and its Influence on Adolescents` Sexuality".

3. Ngoran Guilio Berngeh Forwang

" The Impact of Facebook, a Social Networking Site , on Institutions of Higher Learning: A Case Study of Molyko".

4. Loveline Lum

"The Role of Public Relations in Financial Institutions: A Case Study of the P. & T. Credit Union and the Tole Tea Credit Union".

5. Ayang MacDonald Okumb

"Foreign News Reporting in The Post and Eden Nnewspapers from January to February 2010"

6. Nwunfor Babila Niba

" Challenges Faced by Private Radio Broadcasting Operators in the Establishment and Operation of their Media Organs: A Case Study of the Divine Mercy Radio, 97FM, Buea Town."

7. Sanje Betty Miyang

“The Impact of Television Advertizing on Consumers: A Case Study of the 33 Export Beer.”

8. Kumba Kamdem Edwige Sophie

“An Evaluation of the Information Content of Commercials: A Case Study of MTN Cameroon Ltd."

9. Njoh-Mboule Anne Estelle

“The Impact of Latin American Soap Operas on Cameroonian Televiewers: A Case Study of Molyko Residents."

Copyright 2010

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